


So you want to submit your own page to the story? Well there are a few rules and guidelines you must follow in order to be approved!


  1. All submissions must follow the template layout! Click Here
  2. No sex. (Off scene or implied is ok.)
  3. No AI Generated Text! (if caught you WILL be blacklisted from ever submitting again!!)
  4. No Religious content. (Made up religions can be approved by me via Discord.)
  5. No Offensive language.

How to submit

If you agree to follow the rules laid out above you can send your submission to Click Here, on a Google Form Click Here, on the CreatureVerse Official Discord Server Click here, or on the CreatureVerse Forums Click Here!

Template layout

Name(For the credits page): (Example: DragonsHeart447)
Page Number You Wish to Addon to: (Example: ../night%20fury/1/male/hatchling/page001.html)
Page Name: (Example: Walk through the door)
Page Content: (Example: You walk through the door.)
Page Choices(Optional): (Example: Walk to the bed)
